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This Christchurch Central Business District heritage building was one of only a small number for its age, type and location to survive the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquake in a repairable condition. It was also among the first to re-open in the CBD after repairs were quickly organised and conducted. A steel frame retrofitted in 2008 saved the building from serious structural damage, but numerous cracks and other mostly superficial damage developed, particularly around doors, windows and the internal stairwell, and work was needed to restore structural integrity to these areas.
Cracks in the brickwork were stitched using the HeliBar-HeliBond Crack Stitching system. HeliBar stainless steel reinforcing bars were bonded into channelled-out mortar beds with HeliBond grout at all locations around the building where cracking had occurred. Where cracks in the façade were stitched, a suitably coloured repointing mix was used to cover the slots and completely conceal the location of the installed bars. Concealment of stitches to internal walls was achieved through a fresh application of plaster and paint.
In other areas of the building, DryFix ties were used to improve the connection between the external and internal brick leaves. To minimise damage to the existing brickwork and to help achieve an optimal result, small rotary percussion drills holding straight-shanked 5mm diameter drill bits were used to drill the pilot holes necessary for DryFix installation. Holes were drilled through the internal leaf and into the external leaf. DryFix were then installed using a Power Driver Attachment fitted to a light-weight SDS drill. Plaster and paint applied to the internal walls now conceals all DryFix entry points.