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Thermal movement cracking to church overcome

Client: St John’s Parish Church
Location: Boxmoor, Herts
Approved Installer: T Gunning Ltd
Reference No: CS044

A large single storey extension to the church, built just 10 years ago, had developed extensive cracking on all elevations following thermal and moisture related shrinkage of the external 'stone-effect' concrete blocks. Shrinkage of the concrete blocks, due to loss of moisture after manufacture, and thermal movement of the outer masonry, had combined to cause widespread structural cracking.

Helifix Solution

Helifix designed a suitable repair scheme which was undertaken by our local Approved Installer.

  • Pairs of stainless steel HeliBars were grouted into every second mortar bed on all external elevations.
  • Crack stitching, using individually grouted HeliBars, was undertaken in several areas.
  • Long lengths of HeliBar were bonded into the channelled-out beds, drilled behind the buttresses, bent around corners and returned into the reveals.
  • All repairs were non-disruptive and fully concealed.

The Helibeam System has now restored structural integrity to the church extension, while causing minimal disturbance to nearby residents or users of this busy community building. It provided a rapid cost-effective solution which left the property unmarked.